Help for Gallery Pages
Gallery Pages
Some sections of this site have Gallery pages, pictures of beasts taken from (mostly) manuscripts and books. Each gallery page has the same structure. Initially the reduced-size gallery will display, which has a common "slide show" format. A larger image will be shown in the center of the page. At the left and right edges of the screen there are arrow icons; clicking one of them will cause the previous or next image to be shown.
Note: The gallery pages may not display correctly with older browser versions, and will probably not display at all with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
In the toolbar at the top of the gallery are a set of buttons. If you hover the mouse cursor over a button a brief description of what the button does will be shown.
The available toolbar buttons are:
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Resize the gallery. The gallery will initially be displayed in its minimum size. Clicking this button (when the icon shows arrows pointing out) will cause the gallery to resize to fill the entire browser window; clicking it again (when the icon shows arrows pointing in) will cause the gallery to to return to its minimum size. This is not the same as full screen mode, since the browser tabs, toolbar, etc. are still visible. |
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Download the currently visible image to your computer. The "actual size" image file will be downloaded; whether the image is zoomed in has no effect on this. |
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Zoom in. The image is initially shown in a size that allows it to fit between the browser toolbar at the top and the caption/thumbnail at the bottom. Each click of the zoom in button will enlarge the image until it reaches the maximum available size. The caption and thumbnails will disappear while the image is zoomed in. |
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Zoom out. If the image is zoomed in, each click the of zoom out button will make it smaller until it reaches the minimum size. |
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Zoom to maximum (actual) size toggle. If the image is displayed at its minimum size, clicking this button will zoom it to its maximum size. If the image is displayed at anything greater than its minimum size, clicking this button will zoom it to its minimum size. You can also double-click on the image to do the same thing. |
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Full screen mode. The gallery will take up the entire screen, with the browser tabs, toolbars, etc. hidden. Click the button again to return to the normal browser view. Your browser may also provide other methods to enter and exit full screen mode. |
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Toggle image display order. Initially the images are displayed in beast name order (alphabetical). For example,
a typical order would be Amphisbaena, Ape, Asp ... Unicorn, Viper, Vulture, etc. The images can also be displayed
in manuscript appearance order, so all images on folio 1r would appear first (in order as they appear on the page), then
all images on folio 1v, then 2r, 2v, etc. to the end of the manuscript. The current display order is shown at the left
edge of the toolbar, next to the image counter ("Beast order" or "Manusctipt order"). Each time the display order button
is clicked, the order will switch to the other order (for example, if the order is currently by beast name,
clicking the button will switch the display order to manuscript appearance order, clicking it again will switch
back to beast name order, and so on).
This button is only visible on the Manuscript and Encyclopedia gallery pages. The Beast gallery always uses manuscript appearance order, since all of the beast names are the same. Note: The current display order is "persistent"; that is, it is remembered and will stay the way it is until you click the button again to switch to the other order. The order is remembered even if you go to a different web site or close the browser completely; when you return to the Medieval Bestiary site the display order will be as you left it. This "memory" does not use cookies; see the help section on cookies for more information. |
Below the image there is a brief description. For a more extensive description, click the "Image Information" button below the description, to display an information window. The information window has three tabs at the top to display an expanded description, the source of the image, and copyright information. Click the X in the upper right of the information window to close it. The Source tab shows where the image came from, with links to the web site that was the source of the image and (usually) a link to other pages on the Bestiary web site that provide more information. The Copyright tab shows copyright information for the image.
At the bottom of the gallery window is a row of thumbnail images, showing a preview of the image content. Click a thumbnail to open the image. If there are more thumbnails than will fit in the gallery window, you can drag left or right on any thumbnail to scroll more into view. The thumbnail row (and the caption row) will be hidden if the image is zoomed in, to leave more room for the enlarged image. Both rows will be shown again when the image is zoomed out.