Help for Encyclopedia Pages
The Encyclopedia contains short articles on Bestiary or medieval animal subjects. The articles are often about medieval people who wrote about animals or whose writing influenced bestiary or encyclopedia writers.
Encyclopedia Lists
There are two ways to find articles of interest, the Topics list and the Index list. The Topics list displays the title of the article and a short description of the topic. The Index list is a series of words and phrases (keywords or index terms) linked to an article; an index term can link to several articles. Both lists are in alphabetical order. Clicking a link in either list will take you to the article detail page.
Encyclopedia Detail Page
On the encyclopedia detail page there are five tabs:
Article: The encyclopedia article. Some articles are long, with several lists and tables. These are often divided into collapsed sections, with the section marked with a green bar that extends across the page. Click anywhere on the green bar to expand the section and display its contents; click again to collapse the section back to a green bar.
Texts: Excerpts from books, journal articles and other materials written by or about the article subject. Some of the articles do not (yet) have any texts to display.
Bibliography: A list of books, journal articles and other materials related to the article subject. Click an item in the list to open a popup windows showing the details of the bibliography item.
Manuscripts: A list of manuscripts that feature the subject of the article or in some way relate to it. Click on a manuscript line to open the full manuscript description page.
Gallery: Images related to the article, if any. Some of the encyclopedia galleries are very large, containing hundreds of images. The gallery works the same as for the beast and manuscript galleries; see the gallery help for help on viewing the gallery images.