Bibliography Detail
Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1962; Series: Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 33
This is one of the most important books on the Bestiary. McCulloch revises and expands on the Bestiary "family" classification pioneered by M R James, and includes several additional manuscripts. The first section covers the character and origin of the Greek Physiologus. Section 2 covers the Latin Physiologus and the Latin and French Bestiaries. The third section describes the traditional French Bestiaries of Philippe de Thaon, Gervaise, Guillaume le Clerc and Pierre de Beauvais. Section 4 discusses the illustrated Bestiaries. Section 5 contains a description and basic analysis of the animals most commonly found in the Physiologus and the Bestiaries.
10 pages of line drawings based on Bestiary illustrations. Extensive bibliography (to 1962). 212 pages.
Language: English
LCCN: 62052157; LC: PC13.N67no.33a; OCLC: 528799
Last update May 12, 2023