Latin name: | Caper |
Other names: | Bouc, Bouquetin, Buc, Capra, Caprea, Capreola, Chevre, Chievre, Dama, Damula, Dorcas, Dorcon, Edus, Gat, Haedus, Hedus, Kid, Roe |
Category: | Beast |
An animal that likes to live on high mountains
General Attributes
Goats like to live on high mountains, but also like pastures in valleys. They can see over great distances whether approaching men are harmless travelers or hunters. The blood of a goat can dissolve diamond.
The Latin name caprea refers to the wild goat; the name capra to the domestic goat. The name haedus (or edus, hedus) refers to a young goat (a kid). The name capreola, used for a kind of goat, is also used as a name for the roe deer.
Bartholomaeus Anglicus uses the name damula for the goat, but the description is very similar to that of the doe (dammula) . Bartholomaeus most likely confused the two animals.
The goat's love of high mountains represents Christ, who also loves high mountains, that is, the prophets, angels and patriarchs. As the goat feeds in the valleys, so does Christ in the church, where good works are his food. The sharp eyesight of the goat shows the omniscience of God and his perception of the tricks of the devil.
Uses Magical, Medical, Alchemical and Culinary
The ashes of burned goat horns and wool drives away serpents. Goat horns are used as a remedy against venom, and also to heal dead flesh. The goat's skin can be used to help heal wounds. Goat's blood in a mixture of herbs counteracts poison and the bites of worms and scorpions. The hot lung of a goat laid on a venimous bite will draw out the venim. The gall of a goat cures dimness of the eyes. Goat urine warmed and dropped in the ears cures earache. Roasted goat liver is helpful for leprosy.