
Bibliothèque Municipale de Cambrai, MS 370
(Cambrai Bestiary)


Produced: France, 13th century
Current Location: Bibliothèque Municipale de Cambrai, Cambrai, France
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Language: French/Latin
Illustrated: No
Sample page - Bibliothèque Municipale de Cambrai MS 370
Folio 2r


Beginning on folio 176v is a bestiary apparently derived from the Bestiaire d'Amour of Richard de Fournival.

[From EB Ham, 1939]

The thirty-two paragraphs into which the copyist has divided his text begin, without rubric, at the bottom of fol. 176 v of Bibliothèque Municipale de Cambrai, MS 370 (ancien 351) and end near the bottom of fol. 178 v. The medical text preceding the bestiary is separated from it by two blank lines. The only other formal indication of transition to a different text is the blue initial letter which introduces the bestiary. Comparison with Richard de Fournival and with the Provençal, plus the fact that the Cambrai copyist left six lines blank after the last paragraph on fol. 178 v, will show that both adaptations were regarded as complete in their respective manuscripts.... In the following alphabetized list, the animals of [this manuscript] are recorded with the numbers of the paragraphs in which they appear: aronde 10, asne sauvage 25, aspis 4, castoir 13, chuigne 21, cisne 28, cocatris (cf. kokatris), corbellot 31, cos 24, crinchon 27, dragon 22, espiet 14, grime (cf. wivre), grue 9, hieren 6, hupe 21, kalendre 2, kokatris (or kokodrille) 15 and 16, leu 26, lion 9 and 32, lius 6, merle 5, moustoile 1 and 11, ostrisse 20, paon 9, pellican 12, petris 19, plouuier 6, rainne 6, salemandre 6, serainne 3, serre 18, singe 6 and 30, taupe 6, tigre 7, tirs 6, unicorne 8, votoir 6 and 23, wivre (or grivre 29) 17, ydre 16.

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Editions and Facsimiles

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Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM)i (Partial, 6 images)