

Latin name: Aranea
Other names: Addercop, Aragna, Araignée, Araingne, Aranea, Aranha, Aremia, Aringne, Darant, Iraingne, Phalangia, Phalangio, Phalangium, Phalanguis, Phalangyae, Spinner, Spinnere, Spyncop, Spyncoppe, Yraingne
Category: Worm/Insect

The spider is an aerial worm that takes its nourishment from the air

General Attributes

The spider is industrious, never ceasing to build its net from a long thread drawn from its body. It is an aerial worm that takes its nourishment from the air. Its web is fragile. It is said that if a spider (or a snake) tastes the saliva of a fasting man, it dies.

Uses Magical, Medical, Alchemical and Culinary

Cobwebs placed over a wound keep it free from swelling and decay.