
Encyclopedia Topics

Claudius Aelianus Roman author of On the Nature of Animals
Aesop's Fables Animal tales from the 6th century BCE, which continued to have an influence throughout the Middle Ages.
Albertus Magnus Author of De animalibus, a natural history encyclopedia on animals.
Saint Ambrose Bishop of Milan (374-397), author of the Hexaemeron, a commentary on the biblical account of the six days of creation, that influenced the bestiary.
Aristotle Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and polymath; author of De animalibus.
Arnoldus Saxo Thirteenth century author of De floribus rerum naturalium, a natural history encylopedia.
Cecco d’Ascoli Author of L'Acerba etas.
Augustine of Hippo Early Father of the Catholic Church; held a cautious belief in some of the beast fables.
Bartholomaeus Anglicus Thirteenth century English Franciscan living in Paris, author of De proprietatibus rerum (On the nature of things), a natural history encyclopedia.
John Chrysostom Fifth century Patriarch of Constantinople, incorrectly thought in the Middle Ages to be the author of the Dicta Chrysostomi, a version of the Physiologus.
Encyclopedia A compendium on many topics, including theology, geography, astronomy and zoology.
Engelbert of Admont Abbot of the Benedictine monastery at Admont, author of Tractatus de naturis animalium.
Experimentator The supposed author of a lost text that was quoted by Thomas of Cantimpré.
Fiore di virtù The book of the virtues.
Gerald of Wales Giraldus Cambrensis : Welsh cleric, traveler, author of Topographia Hibernica.
Gervaise Norman poet and cleric; wrote a verse Bestiaire in the Norman French dialect around the beginning of the thirteenth century.
Gossuin de Metz Thirteenth century author of L'image du monde (Image of the World), an encyclopedia.
Guillaume le Clerc Thirteenth century cleric of Normandy, author of a French verse Bestiaire.
Herodotus Herodotus (c. 484 – c. 425 BC) was an ancient Greek historian and geographer, author of The Histories.
Hugh of Fouilloy Also known as Hugo de Folieto, this French Augustinian prior of the twelfth century is the author of De avibus, a moralized treatise on birds.
Hugh of Saint Victor Often given credit for the works of Hugh of Fouilloy.
Isidore of Seville Born in the latter half of the sixth century, died around 636 CE, was bishop of Seville and the author of the Etymologies.
Italian Bestiary The bestiary and fable manuscripts in Italian (Tuscan).
Jacob van Maerlant Thirteenth century Flemish poet; author of Der Naturen Bloeme, a natural history encyclopedia.
Jacques de Vitry Author of the Historia Hierosolymitana (also known as Historia Orientalis).
Konrad von Megenberg Fourteenth century German scholar; author of Das Buch der Natur (the Book of Nature).
Lambert of Saint-Omer Twelfth century Benedictine monk and abbot; author of the Liber Floridus, a natural history encyclopedia.
Liber rerum A lost text, the "Book of things"
Lucan Roman poet, author of Pharsalia, a history of the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey.
Misericords "Mercy seats" used by medieval monks; usually carved, often with beast images.
Alexander Neckam Author of an encyclopedia, De naturis rerum.
Ovid First century Roman poet, author of The Metamorphoses, a work often quoted in bestiaries.
Philippe de Thaon Twelfth century Anglo-Norman poet, author of Livre des Creatures and the first French Bestiaire.
Physiologus The original "book of beasts", a moralized Greek text written in Alexandria around the second century CE.
Pierre de Beauvais Also known as Pierre le Picard, author of a French prose Bestiaire in the early thirteenth century.
Pliny the Elder Born 23 CE, died 79 CE. Latin author of Natural History, a compilation of what was known about the world of the first century.
Psalter A type of religious book, sometimes with bestiary or other animal scenes in the margins.
Rabanus Maurus Ninth century abbot and archbishop, author of the natural history encyclopedia De rerum natura.
Richard de Fournival Author of the Bestiaire d'amour (Bestiary of love).
Gaius Julius Solinus Third century, author of De mirabilibus mundi, an encyclopedia of natural wonders.
Thomas of Cantimpré Thirteenth century Dominican writer, preacher and theologian; author of the Liber de natura rerum, a natural history encyclopedia.