
Trinity College Library (Cambridge), R.16.4
(De naturis rerum)


Produced: England (Osney Abbey), 12th century
Current Location: Trinity College Library (Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: Latin
Folios: 240
Author: Alexander Neckham
Illustrated: No
Media: Parchment
Dimensions: Height: 31.5 cm Width: 23.5 cm
Sample page - Trinity College Library (Cambridge) R.16.4
Folio 83r


The De naturis rerum, an encyclopedia by Alexander Neckam. This manuscript has all five books of the text (Books 1-2: De naturis rerum; Books 3-5: Commentary on Ecclesiastes),

There is a six page table of the chapter numbers and titles for all five books at the beginning of the manuscript.

This manuscript is designated G on this site.

The chapters on animals are:

  • Birds : folio 24v-40v (chapters 1.20-78)*
  • Fish and marine animals : folio 45v-50r (chapters 2.22-46)
  • Animals, serpents and insects : folio 57r-85v (chapters 2.99-165)

* This manuscript combines chapters 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, so the section on birds (De avibus) starts with chapter 1.20 instead of 1.23 as in the Wright edition. All chapter numbers following are reduced by two.

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Trinity College Library (Cambridge)