
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, MS 189
(Moralitates de avibus)


Produced: England, Late 12th century
Current Location: Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Manuscript Type: Aviary
Aviary Group: Heilingenkreuz
Language: Latin
Folios: 14
Author: Hugh de Fouilloy
Illustrated: Yes
Scribe: Single
Binding: Red goatskin, 20th century
Media: Parchment
Script: Gothic bookhand
Dimensions: Height: 27.5 cm Width: 19 cm
Sample page - Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library MS 189
Folio 9r


Hugo de Folieto, Moralitates de avibus (D avibus, moralized birds). Only chapters 1-7 are included.

Clark aviary group: Heilingenkreuz.

[Adapted from Beinecke Library manuscript description; Shailor; Clark]

Folios 1r-10v : Moralitates de avibus; the Aviairum. 'Gallus alis se percutiens est doctor alijs exemplum prebens. De gallo. Intelligentia galli prouidentia magistrj. Quis dedit gallo intelligentiam. De gallo queritur a quo ei intelligentia tribuatur...Qui ad petram rostrum acuit dum se ipsum christo per bonam operationem conformem reddit.' Clark aviary group: Heiligenkreuz.

Eighteen colored drawings of birds, many of which have been retouched by a later hand. Every bird described in the text has an illustration. Most folios are stained and have been repaired, but with little loss of text. The illustrations have not been so fortunate; most are scuffed and two have missing parts. The bird images are simple profile portraits and do not illustrate the moralizations ascribed to them. Well drawn initials in red or blue, with penwork designs of the other color, mark the beginning of each chapter; rubrics throughout.

Also includes Hugh's De medicina anime (medicine of the soul).

Written in England in the last quarter of the 12th century as part of a larger book; early provenance unknown. Belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 3691).

The first gathering of Beinecke MS 189 is misbound, with two folios missing; the order of the chapters: Book 1.36 (beginning), 42 (preceded by the end of 41), 43, 44 (incomplete), 36 (end of text), 37-40, 41 (incomplete), 46 (end of text), 47-53, 55-56.

Additional Descriptions

Additional description 1
Additional description 2
Additional description 3 (page 295)

Editions and Facsimiles

Digital facsimiles

Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library