Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Cod. Magliabechiano II.8.33
(Fiore di virtù / Italian Bestiary)
Produced: | 14th-15th century |
Current Location: | Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Firenze, Italy |
Manuscript Type: | Miscellany |
Bestiary Family: | Italian |
Language: | Italian |
Folios: | 80 |
Illustrated: | No |
The Fiore di virtù followed by an Italian (Tuscan) bestiary.
This manuscript is designated St1 by McKenzie.
On f.4r begins the prologue: "O fatto chome cholui chee in uno prato grande di fiori che aleggie tutta la cima di questi fiori per fare vna nobile girlinda, vnde voglio che questo mio picciolo lauorio si chiami fiore di virtute e di costumi" The Fiore lasts to folio 58r, and on folio 58v the bestiary begins without any break other than the usual chapter-heading in red, which reads: "Dela formica et delo essemplo che douiamo pigliare dallei. The thirty-seven animal-chapters fill the rest of the manuscript; and that they were regarded as a part of the Fiore is indicated by the ending, folio 80r: Explicit liber floris virtutis.....
Additional Descriptions
Additional description
(page 402-403)
Editions and Facsimiles
None known