
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut.90 inf.47


Produced: 14th-15th century
Current Location: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Italy
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Bestiary Family: Italian
Language: Italian
Folios: 120
Illustrated: No
Dimensions: Height: 21 cm Width: 12 cm
Sample page - Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Plut.90.inf.47
Folio 44v


Contains Li Livres dou Tresor by Brunetto Latini. a Tuscan bestiary, and other works.

This manuscript is designated L2 by Goldstaub & Wendriner.

[Roughly translated from the German of Goldstaub & Wendriner, page 77]

... starts with: “II Tesoretto fatto per Ser Brunetto Latini da Firenze"; followed on fol. 19r by various kinds of poetry and prose, and on folio 43v-52v a bestiary in Tuscan ... The Bestiarius treats 40 animals...

Additional Descriptions

Additional description 1 (digital page image, column 455-459, XIII)
Additional description 2 (page 77)

Editions and Facsimiles

Digital facsimiles

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana