

Latin name: Camelus
Other names: Chamos
Category: Beast

Camels can endure thirst for three days and prefer muddy water

General Attributes

There are two types of camels: Bactrian, which have only one hump but are strong; and Arabian, which have two humps and are more numerous. They hate horses. Camels can endure thirst for three days and prefer to drink muddy water; if only clear water is available, they will stir it up with their feet to muddy it. When they drink, they fill up for both past thirst and for future needs. Some camels are good for carrying burdens, while others are better suited to traveling. Their hoofs do not wear down. They can live for one hundred years, unless they are taken to a foreign country, where the change of air makes them ill. Female camels are used in war. Camels grow wild with the desire to mate; this desire can be destroyed by castration, which also makes the camel stronger.

Uses Magical, Medical, Alchemical and Culinary

According to Albertus Magnus, a drink made from camel’s brains and vinegar is said to help epileptics; the desiccated marrow of a camel, mixed with wine and taken orally, is advantageous for those epileptics whose seizures are caused by black bile; camel saliva mixed with water and taken internally drives the demoniacal spirit out of the drunkard.

Hildegard von Bingen says, "A person whose heart is ailing should shave, into water, some of the bone from the hump having the strength of a lion. He should drink it often, and the pain of his heart will cease. One whose spleen is ailing should shave some of the bone of the hump having the strength of a panther into water. He should drink it often, and his spleen will be healed. One who has scabies and various fevers, and who freely emits bad sweat, should shave into water some of the bone from the hump having the strength of a horse. If he drinks it often, he will be healed. Also, dry the hoof and callous skin of its foot. Save it in the house, or any place you wish. Airy spirits will not create their delusions in that place nor arrange many struggles, because the devil will flee, on account of the camel’s strength and fortitude." (Throop translation)