
Beasts : Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 151

Beasts mentioned in this manuscript. The symbol indicates that the beast is known to be illustrated at least once in the manuscript, but the lack of that symbol does not guarantee there is no illustration. Beasts that have not been identified are shown in italics with the category (if known) in [brackets]. The lists may be incomplete.

Beast Name Order

Name Folio       
Ape 14v, 26r
Bat 57r
Bear 17r
Bee 69v
Boar 25v
Caladrius 63r
Camel 26r
Cat 29v
Cow 25v
Dog 21v, 22r, 22v, 23r
Dove 71v
Dragon 71v
Dromedary 26v
Elephant 11v
Griffin 11v
Hedgehog 30r
Hyena 13v
Lion 6r, 6v
Manticore 18v
Mole 30r
Monocerus 17r
Mouse 29v
Ostrich 46v
Owl 41r, 57r
Parrot 52v
Pelican 40v
Peridexion Tree 71v
Tiger 8r
Unicorn 10v
Weasel 29v
Whale 80v

Manuscript Appearance Order

Name Folio       
Lion 6r
Lion 6v
Tiger 8r
Unicorn 10v
Griffin 11v
Elephant 11v
Hyena 13v
Ape 14v
Monocerus 17r
Bear 17r
Manticore 18v
Dog 21v
Dog 22r
Dog 22v
Dog 23r
Cow 25v
Boar 25v
Camel 26r
Ape 26r
Dromedary 26v
Cat 29v
Mouse 29v
Weasel 29v
Mole 30r
Hedgehog 30r
Pelican 40v
Owl 41r
Ostrich 46v
Parrot 52v
Bat 57r
Owl 57r
Caladrius 63r
Bee 69v
Peridexion Tree 71v
Dove 71v
Dragon 71v
Whale 80v